Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snowing-Framing-Knife Making

Now that's an eclectic title! It's snowing outside so the ski resort should be happy. I'm downstairs framing some paintings for the exhibition up in McCall in February that apparently is a lodge that is also giving a wine and cheese party with the art. I guess that's the way they do these things and it's certainly better than parking my van on the side of the highway and putting up a cardboard sign that I have art to sell. Besides it's kind of cold this time of the year. Now to a knife making tip. At one point I knew I should try to solder my guards to the blade because that's the way you are supposed to do it. No problem except I wasn't a very good solderer. So I discovered that Devcon 2 Ton Epoxy worked just fine. I've never had a guard come loose and if you get a little sloppy you can clean off the excess with mineral spirits before it hardens. Now I've also discovered JB Weld and it also makes a great substitute for solder. If it can repair a cracked engine block it can hold a guard in place. Last but not least I'm showing you a picture of a really nice bowie with elk handle I made a couple years ago in prison (that's what we call the townhouse we used to live in down in Boise). Sometimes it felt like that.

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