Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Knives

A good way to get through the winter besides painting. As you can see I don't make the same thing all the time. What would be the fun it that? Woods used are bolivian rosewood, yellow heart, ironwood and bocote for example. Selecting the wood relative to the type of knife is part of the allure for me.

Bowie Knives

Here's a couple of elk handled bowie knives I made this winter. The one at the top is the largest I've ever made. Of course they both have my custom leather sheaths.

New Buffalo Painting

Finished this 18x24 recently and it turned out really nice. May have a buyer in Tennessee which would be nice. It is called "Generations".

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here's another knife

With black mesquite handle.


I call myself also a knifemaker but never put any up on the blog even though I've sold 40-50 on ebay in the last few years so here is one.

Wind River Moose

Not sure of the title but this 18x24 at least impressed my wife (prejudiced). My brother thought I should use a bit more atmospheric perspective so I tried. I guess it's not bad.

Sandstone Cat

I had this older photo from a trip through John Day, Oregon of a sandstone formation I always wanted to paint because I like patterns. So I gave it a try and added a cougar in this 18x24 painting. Not sure how I feel about it but that's not uncommon for me when I do something different.