Sunday, October 12, 2008

Evening Shade

Love this title and 18x24 painting. I'm not a big cougar fan since they can come out of nowhere and hurt you but they are a great animal to paint with their golden contrasts and sinewy presence. This morning I saw one flaw in perspective that needs to be corrected but I'll let you guess what that is. Some of you may remember the title is from a TV series starring Burt Reynolds.

Salmon Hunter

This is 18x24 and the second time I've used this title. The first painting went in the slash pile (I think) and this one was inspired by a Kuhn drawing I saw and a camping trip in Ranier park along a boulder strewn creek that I could only imagine was prowled by this bear.

Back With A few New Paintings

This is an 18x24 titled "Indian Summer ". What's interesting is that I first painted this 30 years ago and gave it away for a wedding present. Hopefully I've learned something since then and this is a much better painting. Also, hopefully, I've learned you can marry the wrong person the first time around.